Meet Flow Dancers

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Evan & Sasha had an epiphany when they were taking virtual dance lessons. They weren't learning A dance they were learning TO dance, and they love it!

evan & sasha
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Matt & Taylor took virtual dance lessons because they had never danced together before. See how impressed EVERYONE was with their 1st dance.
Matt & Taylor
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Heather secretly wanted to dance but had fears of doing so. Now she loves the feelings of dancing and just letting it all go.

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She danced. He did not. Now they have discovered flow and loooove the freedom of dancing with one another. It feels so good!

Hugh & Lynn
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Conner and Gabriela have discovered a greater sense of love with each other and have realized dance just feels so damn good.

Conner & Gabriela
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Florian loves the feelings of dance, especially when gets that dancer's high, and it has become completely liberating for him. 

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Lauren loves the expression, the connection, and the flow that she experiences through music, movement, and dance.

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Mike and Diana graduate their Discovery journey and have fallen in complete love with their style and freedom when they dance.

Mike & Diana Graduate
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Harry and Ranjiv dreamed of dancing but didn’t know how. Now they’ve discovered their flow and just want to dance their lives away.

Harry & Ranjiv
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Bill and Judy have recently discovered their love for dancing with each other and the unparalleled joy that it gives them.

Bill & Judy
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Brian and Thea learned to dance for their wedding. A year later, they were ready for a vacation with an itch for more dancing.

Brian & Thea
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Nina wasn’t into dancing, but she needed to learn the waltz for her cousin’s wedding. Now she loves it and shares with us why.

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Ben and Noreen had ups and downs along their dance journey. But now they’ve put in the “work” and love love love it.

Ben & Noreen
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Matt and Rachel didn't want to be awkward for their first dance. They were far from it, and now they love the physical dance connection they've discovered.

Matt & Rachel
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Grier and Margarita learned to dance for their wedding…they nailed it…and were pleasantly surprised they liked dancing so much.

Grier & Margarita
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Matt & Fiona wanted to wow the audience with their first dance – they also discovered they love dancing with each other.

     Matt & Fiona
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Jim and Mary had a dance challenge with some friends – that was the spark to light their fire. Now they dance to be free and play together.

Jim & Mary
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Andy and Beverly have been dancing for 2 years and cannot get enough of it. When the music turns on, they do not hold back.

Andy & Beverly
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Dylan and Cecilia learned to freeflow for their wedding. They loved it and now they have just completed their Discovery Journey.

Dylan & Cici
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Yu San has danced all styles, from ballroom to salsa, tango, and west coast swing. She shares why she likes Flow above all.

     Yu San
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Carol, Michael’s mother, share’s her unique perspective on how Flow has changed her life and has witnessed it change many other's.

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Alex and Hannah like to move and groove, and they discovered they love doing it together. Now they are engaged and have a mission ahead.

Alex & Hannah
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Maria and Michelle love dancing with flow. They cherished the opportunity to visit and dance in Mexico.

     Maria & Michelle
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Pat and Mary Jo wanted to learn dance for when the opportunity was there. Now they constantly seek out that opportunity.

     Pat & Mary Jo
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Talina took a 6 week Flow Fluently training course. Now she feels great, loves to dance, and has the confidence to do so anywhere.

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Dancing has transformed Connor and Hannah, and now they feel so much joy in expressing and moving with each other.

     Connor & Hannah
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Becca discovered dance in Korea and she fell in love. Flow training has helped dancing become completely liberating for her.

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Mike and Diana just completed the Fundamentals Section of their Discovery Course.  They share all the craziness it entailed.

Mike & Diana
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Kyle has so much excitement for life and is always looking to grow. Dancing was next on his list and now he loves to flow.

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Nina discovered dance 2.5 years ago.  Her training has transformed her life in so many ways. 

     nina discovery
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Nina has completed Flow Fluently’s Fluency Program, and now she is working on next-level stuff, backflips included.

     Nina fluency
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Michael, Drew, and Scott describe Flow training's process and why it makes learning so easy and natural. 

     Why Flow?

#FeelTheFlow | #PhysicalLanguage | #DanceJourney | #LetsGetThisWorldDancing | #MayTheFlowBeWithYou |

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